IGC Education-Outreach Initiative
Goal: Communicate bona fide characteristics, behaviors and needs of profound giftedness to all stakeholders including parents, teachers, administrators, academia, pediatricians, mental health practitioners, and society more broadly.
Outcome: A paradigm shift – stakeholders move from “knowing” gifted characteristics and needs to “understanding” the innate traits, coinciding behaviors, and developmental milestones and life experiences of profound giftedness applicable to “understanding” across the continuum of human development.
Essential Purpose: We need to understand the full continuum and asynchrony of human development. Through an understanding of profound giftedness, stakeholders open opportunities to even better understand, identify, and support the inclusive continuum of human nature and potential.
Community Education-Outreach Program
The International Gifted Consortium (IGC) Research Center for the Highly & Profoundly Gifted collaboratively works towards understanding, identifying and supporting the unique social, emotional, physical and cognitive and altruistic development of Giftedness through the eyes of our highly and profoundly gifted.
Our efforts focus on Open-Access Research, Advocacy, Education-Outreach, and Opportunities. We internationally educate all stakeholders on the characteristics, behaviors and needs of our profoundly gifted as a model for understanding the continuum of Giftedness.
Co-Founders Miraca Gross and Vanessa R. Wood co-presented
Understanding Giftedness: The unique barometers of giftedness through the eyes of the highly & profoundly gifted at the 2017 World Gifted Conference at the University of New South Wales in Sydney, Australia.
Inherent, Multi-Dimensional, Dynamic Awareness. Giftedness embodies the whole self and can be discerned in all areas of development. This session examines the social, emotional, physical, cognitive, and altruistic development of giftedness and the unique barometers evident, but sometimes hidden, in the highly and profoundly gifted. Key areas of discussion include Dabrowski’s Psychomotor, Sensual, Intellectual, Imaginational, Emotional Overexcitabilities, Misdiagnosis, and Advocacy for the gifted child. Participants will walk away with a better understanding of the intrinsic characteristics, behaviors, and sensitivities of giftedness and the acute awareness, intensities, and motivations propelling profound giftedness.
Gross, M.U.M & Wood, V.R. (July, 2017) World Gifted Conference, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia
February 27-28, 2025 – William and Mary School of Education, Gifted 2E Conference, Virtual, USA
Vanessa R. Wood & Suzanne Pickett Martinson ⋅ Prevalence of emotional, intellectual, imaginational, psychomotor, and sensual overexcitabilities in highly-profoundly gifted children and adolescents: A Mixed-methods study of development and developmental potential
February 4-5, 2025 – Arizona Association for Gifted and Talented (AAGT) Conference ⋅ Mesa, Arizona, USA
Vanessa R. Wood & Suzanne Pickett Martinson ⋅ Prevalence of emotional, intellectual, imaginational, psychomotor, and sensual overexcitabilities in highly-profoundly gifted children and adolescents: A Mixed-methods study of development and developmental potential
December 9-10, 2024 – Indianapolis Association for Gifted (IAG) Conference ⋅ Indianapolis, Indiana, USA
Vanessa R. Wood & Jared Nussbaum ⋅ Prevalence of emotional, intellectual, imaginational, psychomotor, and sensual overexcitabilities in highly-profoundly gifted children and adolescents: A Mixed-methods study of development and developmental potential
December 9, 2024 – Apogee School for The Gifted ⋅ Indianapolis, Indiana, USA
Vanessa R. Wood & Jared Nussbaum ⋅ Prevalence of emotional, intellectual, imaginational, psychomotor, and sensual overexcitabilities in highly-profoundly gifted children and adolescents: A Mixed-methods study of development and developmental potential
November 21, 2024 – TalentVol Webinar Series⋅ European Central Time
Vanessa R. Wood & Els De Wit ⋅ Overexcitabilities: Practical understandings and approaches in the learning environment
November 14, 2024 – TalentVol Webinar Series⋅ European Central Time
Vanessa R. Wood & Els De Wit ⋅ Prevalence of emotional, intellectual, imaginational, psychomotor, and sensual overexcitabilities in highly-profoundly gifted children and adolescents: A Mixed-methods study of development and developmental potential
August 27 – August 31, 2024 ⋅ European Council for High Ability (ECHA) Conference ⋅ Thessaloniki, Greec
August 27 – August 31, 2024 ⋅ European Council for High Ability (ECHA) Conference ⋅ Thessaloniki, Greece
Vanessa R. Wood & Els De Wit ⋅ Prevalence of emotional, intellectual, imaginational, psychomotor, and sensual overexcitabilities in highly-profoundly gifted children and adolescents: A mixed-methods study of development and developmental potential
August 27 – August 31, 2024 ⋅ European Council for High Ability (ECHA) Conference ⋅ Thessaloniki, Greece
Vanessa R. Wood & Els De Wit ⋅ Overexcitabilities and Developmental Dynamisms: Identifying and realizing potential and the dynamics of development in motion
August 27 – August 31, 2024 ⋅ European Council for High Ability (ECHA) Conference ⋅ Thessaloniki, Greece
Vanessa R. Wood & Els De Wit ⋅Overexcitabilities: Practical understandings and approaches in the learning environment
July 31 – August 8, 2021 ⋅ World Council Gifted and Talented Children (WCGTC) Conference ⋅ Virtual
Vanessa R. Wood & Krystyna C. Laycraft ⋅ Psychological Development of Highly-Profoundly Gifted Students and Overexcitabilities: Empowering equity in identification
February 5, 2021 ⋅ Arizona Association for Gifted & Talented (AAGT) Annual Conference ⋅ Virtual
Vanessa R. Wood & Krystyna C. Laycraft ⋅ Empowering Equity in Gifted Education: Identification must include the assessment of the typical social, emotional, physical, cognitive, and altruistic development of highly-profoundly gifted
October 17, 2020 ⋅ Arizona Association for Gifted & Talented (AAGT) Parent Institute ⋅ Virtual
Vanessa R. Wood ⋅ The Joy of Being Highly-Profoundly Gifted: Sensitive, intense, aware, authentically unique
February 6, 2020 ⋅ Arizona Association for Gifted & Talented (AAGT) Conference ⋅ Phoenix, Arizona, USA
Vanessa R. Wood ⋅ Overexcitabilities and Developmental Potential: An anchor in the neurology of giftedness and the future studies of highly-profoundly gifted youth and adolescents
February 8, 2019 ⋅ Arizona Association for Gifted & Talented (AAGT) Conference ⋅ Phoenix, Arizona, USA
Vanessa R. Wood & Christiana Wells ⋅ Overexcitabilities, Advanced Development, Developmental Potential and Giftedness
February 7, 2019 ⋅ Arizona Association for Gifted & Talented (AAGT) Conference ⋅ Phoenix, Arizona, USA
Vanessa R. Wood & Christiana Wells ⋅ Overexcitabilities, Advanced Development, Developmental Potential and Giftedness
February, 2019 ⋅ Education-Outreach Community Event sponsored by The IGC, Research Center for The Highly-Profoundly Gifted in collaboration with The Phoenix Union High School District, The Gifted Academy and The Gifted Institute ⋅ Phoenix, AZ USA * Continuing Education Credits awarded *
Vanessa R. Wood & Christiana Wells ⋅ Overexcitabilities, Advanced Development, Developmental Potential and Giftedness
April, 2018 ⋅ Life Christian Academy ⋅ Tacoma, WA, USA
Vanessa R. Wood ⋅ How Can We – Parents, Teachers, Administrators – Wholly Fulfill, Love, Nurture the Social, Emotional, Physical, Cognitive, Spiritual Needs of Each and Every Child?
April 2018 ⋅ IGC Spring Speakers Series, Understanding Giftedness Through the Eyes of the Highly-Profoundly Gifted in collaboration with Arizona State University, Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College and Gary K. Herberger Young Scholars Academy ⋅ Glendale, Arizona, USA * Continuing Education Credits awarded *
Keynote speaker: Laura Wingers, PsyD ⋅ More Than a Test Score: Overcoming challenges and creating opportunities for WELL BEING in highly and profoundly gifted youth
April 2018 ⋅ IGC Spring Speakers Series, Understanding Giftedness Through the Eyes of the Highly-Profoundly Gifted in collaboration with Arizona State University, Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College and Gary K. Herberger Young Scholars Academy ⋅ Glendale, Arizona, USA * Continuing Education Credits awarded *
Keynote speaker: James T. Webb, PhD ⋅ Modern Tragedy: Misunderstanding, misidentification and misdiagnosis
April 2018 ⋅ IGC Spring Speakers Series, Understanding Giftedness Through the Eyes of the Highly-Profoundly Gifted in collaboration with Arizona State University, Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College and Gary K. Herberger Young Scholars Academy ⋅ Glendale, Arizona, USA * Continuing Education Credits awarded *
Keynote speaker: Laura Wingers, PsyD ⋅ More Than a Test Score: Overcoming challenges and creating opportunities for WELL BEING in highly and profoundly gifted youth
February 2018 ⋅ IGC Spring Speakers Series, Understanding Giftedness Through the Eyes of the Highly-Profoundly Gifted in collaboration with Arizona State University, Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College and Gary K. Herberger Young Scholars Academy ⋅ Glendale, Arizona, USA * Continuing Education Credits awarded *
Keynote speaker: Vanessa R. Wood and IGC Stakeholder Panel ⋅ Understanding Overexcitabilities: The essence of giftedness
February 1-2, 2018 ⋅ Arizona Association for Gifted & Talented (AAGT) Conference ⋅ Phoenix, Arizona, USA
Vanessa R. Wood ⋅ Shaping Our Future: Giftedness Through the Eyes of the Highly-Profoundly Gifted
September 11, 2017 ⋅ Melmed Center ⋅ Scottsdale, Arizona, USA
Vanessa R. Wood ⋅ Propelling Development: Giftedness, Over-Excitabilities and Neuroaesthetics
July 22-24, 2017 ⋅ World Council for Gifted & Talented Children (WCGTC) Conference ⋅ Sydney, Australia ⋅ University of New South Wales
Dr. Miraca Gross & Vanessa R. Wood ⋅ Understanding the Unique Barometers of Giftedness Through the Eyes of the Highly & Profoundly Gifted
February 3, 2017 ⋅ Arizona Association of Gifted & Talented (AAGT) Conference ⋅ Phoenix, Arizona, USA
Vanessa R. Wood ⋅ Understand Me: The Unique Barometers of Giftedness Through the Eyes of the Highly and Profoundly Gifted
Fall 2016 ⋅ Collaborations with schools, universities, pediatric groups and policy makers ⋅ Florida, USA
Dr. Willard White & Vanessa R. Wood ⋅ Understand Me: The Unique Barometers of Giftedness Through the Eyes of the Highly and Profoundly Gifted
Rene Islas, National Association Gifted Children (NAGC) & Vanessa R. Wood ⋅ Understand Me: The Unique Barometers of Giftedness Through the Eyes of the Highly and Profoundly Gifted
September 17, 2016 ⋅ Arizona Association Gifted & Talented (AAGT) Parent Institute ⋅ Phoenix, Arizona, USA⋅ Herberger Young Scholars Academy, Arizona State University
Vanessa R. Wood ⋅ Human Nature in the Extreme: The Unique Barometers of Giftedness Through the Eyes of the Highly and Profoundly Gifted
July 22-24, 2016 ⋅ Social, Emotional Needs of Gifted Children (SENG) Conference ⋅ Williamsburg, Virginia, USA
Vanessa R. Wood ⋅ The Unique Barometers of the Highly & Profoundly Gifted