The International Gifted Consortium (IGC) is a transformational group of leaders from across the globe, who possess an empathetic understanding of giftedness in its most acute, highly developed form. The International Gifted Consortium professionals have committed their work to serving the unique development of this often-misunderstood population. Together, we educate the world on the unique behaviors and development of the highly-profoundly gifted population to aid understanding, identification, and support of natural human development and potential.

The Vision

We envision highly-profoundly gifted children

nurtured with fitting educational and developmental opportunities

that allows each to positively grow and develop; to flourish.

Mission Statement

To collaboratively understand, identify and support the unique social, emotional, physical, cognitive, and altruistic development of Giftedness, through the lens of the highly-profoundly gifted.


Open Access Research | Education-Outreach | Advocacy | Opportunities

The International Gifted Consortium (IGC), Research Center for Highly-Profoundly Gifted

Conducts International IRB Open Access Research

Examines the typical behaviors, development (social, emotional physical, cognitive, and altruistic), developmental milestones, life experiences, and developmental potential of highly-profoundly gifted children and adolescents

Considers the relationship of advanced and asynchronous development and developmental potential using Dabrowski’s human development theory: The Theory of Positive Disintegration and Overexcitabilities as a framework

Disseminates historical research through The IGC Literature Review of Highly-Profoundly Gifted Individuals and Overexcitabilities

Educates and trains parents, teachers, administrators, counselors, psychologists, and pediatricians – on research-based behaviors, development, and developmental potential of the highly-profoundly gifted – through The IGC Podcast, Room With A View, Education-Outreach Presentations, Training, and Professional Development Workshops

Supports parents through The IGC Ambassador network of IGC Parents

Builds IGC Cohorts by encouraging Parents, Teachers, Administrators, Psychologists, and Pediatricians to Join The Consortium to support IGC initiatives and resources

TOGETHER, The IGC achieves greater understanding, identification, educational and developmental support for highly-profoundly gifted youth worldwide.


Giftedness needs to be better understood. It is a state of being with identifiable characteristics driven by intense sensitivity, keen awareness, and innate understanding. Giftedness is commonly misconceived as academic intelligence alone. Many highly-profoundly gifted children are not being properly identified. In fact, many gifted children are being misidentified, leaving their social-emotional, cognitive, physical, and moral development unattended and at risk.

The International Gifted Consortium Goal

To provide a universal “voice,” resource and support network for giftedness, highly-profoundly gifted youth, their families, and the greater community worldwide.